Tips That Everyone Needs to Know Before Using Airless Sprayers

27nov 2020
Tips That Everyone Needs to Know Before Using Airless Sprayers
The painting once upon a time used to be a job done only by the professionals.

Tips That Everyone Needs to Know Before Using Airless Sprayers

The painting once upon a time used to be a job done only by the professionals. But gradually with time, the painting equipment was evolved in such a way that today this job can be done by yourself as well. A lot of people save the cost of labor, by taking on the home renovation or painting projects by themselves. It is not that hard, painting yourself, to be honest, there are so many blogs, tutorials, and easy-to-use equipment, that you can the job yourself as good as a professional.

For painting, the first thing you need to consider is painting equipment. There are a lot of airless sprayers, electric sprayers, etc that you can choose from. Each sprayer has its own set of pros and cons that has been discussed in our articles previously.

In this article, we will outline a few tips for you to use if you are using an airless sprayer for your painting project.

Airless Sprayer

Airless sprayers are generally very efficient and fast. The reason it works efficiently is because of its spraying power, which is approximately 3000 pounds per sq. inch which makes the spray gun spray 200 miles an hour. Airless sprayers are generally used to paint larger rooms and big spaces.

How does an airless sprayer work?

An airless sprayer has a lot of parts that contribute to flawless results. This sprayer uses a hydraulic pump to get the paint from the bucket through a tube, this paint is then pushed into a high-pressure hose, which then reaches the spray gun tip and then sprays the paint on to the surface. Always invest in a sprayer that sells its parts separately. Titan sprayer parts are easily available and reliable.

Tips to know before using an Airless sprayer

The following are a few tips for you to keep in mind:

1.       If you are buying or renting an airless sprayer, it is best to research the type of airless sprayer that would be perfect for your project. For example, airless sprayers work well with thick latex paints, so if you have an outdoor garage painting job, using an airless sprayer will work best for you.

2.       Before using the airless sprayer it is best to read the instruction for that equipment.

3.       Clean your equipment with a solvent before and after every use. You can clean with water or some mineral spirits.

4.       It is important to make sure that after every cleaning, the equipment is dried with paper so no residue is left before the paint is put into the equipment.

5.       After every use, the equipment needs to be cleaned. This is done by flushing out all the leftover paint. Usually, every painting equipment comes with its own set of tools to clean.

6.       Choose the spray tip carefully of your paint sprayer. This is an important step and a crucial one before you begin your painting job.

7.       Choosing the right spray tip will help you reduce overspray, given the painter more control over the spray gun, saves a lot of paint, and gives an amazing finish to your project.

8.       It is important to choose the right tip and adjust it accordingly to your sprayer. Adjustment plays an important role in getting the right spray results.

9.       Have a spray rig, tapes, and lots of paint clothes ready before starting your painting project.

10.   Tape drop cloths to the surface, mask everything that you do not want to paint, draped windows and doors, etc.

11.   Keep at least one window open for ventilation.

12.   Make sure before painting you are wearing a mask and necessary equipment to keep yourself safe from accidents.

13.   An airless sprayer usually has a lot of parts to it. Filters are another important feature of an airless sprayer. Filters help the paint stay free from particles that might end up clogging the spray tip. Titan sprayer parts include a lot of variety of filters according to the model of your spray gun. It is always a wise decision to invest in extra filters when taking on painting projects.

14.   If you are an amateur painter, it is probably a wise decision to paint a small area first or maybe try it out on plywood.

15.   Clean the area to be painted to make sure there is no residue on the surface, otherwise, it would create a textured paint effect or patches if the surface is not clear.

16.   When painting, make sure the spray gun is at least 6 to 12 inches away from the surface. Make sure to apply an even coat of paint and the pressure is the same throughout the project.

Closing word:

These are only a few tips for you to consider when using an airless paint sprayer for your project.

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